Office of Recipient Rights


When you receive mental health services, Michigan’s Mental Health Code and other laws safeguard your rights. Furthermore, our staff is responsible for protecting your rights when they provide services to you.

You are encouraged to ask questions about your treatment and about your rights. We also encourage you to make suggestions on anything you feel would be in your best interest.

If you believe your rights have been violated, please inform the Rights Officer.

Elizabeth Eidenier
Director of Recipient Rights

Additional Resources

Learn more about your rights when receiving mental health services:


To report abuse and neglect of an adult or child: Please call 855-444-3911 or visit the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) website.

Have a complaint?

If you believe that one of your rights has been violated, you (or someone on your behalf) may fill out and submit a Recipients Right’s Complaint form. A Rights Officer or advisor will review the complaint and may investigate.

Recipient Rights Complaint Form